Thursday, June 5, 2008

Band Meeting

Small break from the Cheetah project, for a band meeting with Flight of the Conchords! They may be New Zealand's 4th most popular folk band, but they're number one in my book. Their show debuted on HBO last year and really developed a cult following. It tells (humorously) their struggles to make it as a band in New York City with the help, or lack there of, from their band manager Murray and with the support of their only obsessive fan, Mel. Well recently they came to San Francisco as part of their US tour, and Sarah and I were fortunate enough to go see them. It. Was. Hilarious! The show was opened by a comedian who played a racist fruit stand owner who hates Australians in the HBO series. We felt very fortunate to see them, on top of the fact that we got to see and meet Rhys Darby who plays Murray in the show a few months ago at the San Jose Improv. Go Kiwis!

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